DATE: April 28, 2011
TO: Audience
FROM: Steven Juarez
RE: Public Service Announcement
Even though there were some difficulties, the making of the video was enjoyable. The main problem that I had while making my video was getting the music to play nice with the length of the video and the transitions. Most of the time, the music was not fading out at the right time because the video was too long or the music kept going without the video.
To fix the issue, I continuously tweaked the length of the video and the music accordingly in order to allow for the music to end exactly where it should.
If I were given a chance to do a project such as this again, I would make sure to personally create a song using my own instrument that would fit the video in style and length.
In order to keep from misusing ethos, I made sure to include facts from reputable sources and photograph of a genuine legally blind child with a cane.
The photograph of the little girl, along with the story, carried the bulk of the pathos for the video. People will sometimes tend to be more sympathetic to issues involving young children. The emotion the picture evoked helped to bring home the severity of the situation.
The overall logos of the video was that there are many blind and visually impaired people in the world and that most people do not understand them. There is an illogical belief that such people are helpless and mentally incapable of being on par with what people would consider to be normal.
There were many challenging aspects of the project. The most challenging aspect was coming up with the idea that the video would be based upon.
The reason I had trouble coming up with an idea was because I thought there was not an avenue for me to use to create a PSA for the subject of visually impaired and blind people. Finally, when I recalled a sad true story of something that I experienced personally, it became clear that the idea for the project would be that people do not fully understand blind or visually impaired individuals, especially children.
The inclusion of children in the video became the most effective aspect of the PSA.
It works so well because most people can see that her life will be very different from what a little girl usually will have to face. She will grow and struggle in a world made for those who see with their eyes, not with their hands.
There is a web address at the end of the video that links to a website able to help people understand more about visually impaired and blind children as well as adults. It is the hope of this PSA that people will take a look at the information available and that they will take a chance to see that visually impaired and blind people are just like them.