Armstrong, H. L., & Murray, I. D. (2010). Adapting Advanced Information Technology Network Training for Adults with Visual Impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 104(8), 504-509. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The authors have credibility because this article was published in a peer reviewed journal. The article is on a study that looked at touch screens and tablets and how they could help visually impaired students. It talks about electronic training tools that are geared towards teaching students and providing them with advanced information technology that will help them prepare for competitive employment. The study wants to translate training materials that are currently only available in print into formats that are easily accessible to adult disabled students, ie: PDF, large print, e-book, audiobooks. This will help my report because it shows how not only is adaptive technology necessary for students with disabilities to survive in the professional world, but how materials such as books and training manuals need to be transformed into a format that is efficient and easily acquirable. Some adaptive technology is of no use unless there are materials available to access with them.
Movahedi, A., Mojtahedi, H., & Farazyani, F. (2011). Differences in socialization between visually impaired student-athletes and non-athletes. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(1), 58-62. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The authors of this article have validation because the article was in a peer reviewed journal. The article examined the social aspects of students with developmental disabilities. For visually impaired students, they found that those in athletics were found out to be more social and better equipped for a normal social life. Students that were not in athletics or indeed were not athletic at all, were found to be less social and lacked good socialization skills. The articles stresses the importance for adults to help students with disabilities to join in on social activities and to participate in sports. This article will help my report because it shows obstacles visually impaired students face in social aspect of life. They feel much more insecure than most and it is important for their parents and teachers to make an effort to break the student out of their shell of solitude. It shows the importance of being involved and how even those with visual impairments can join in sports, even if modifications must be made.
de Freitas Alves, C., Monteiro, G., Rabello, S., Gasparetto, M., & de Carvalho, K. (2009). Assistive technology applied to education of students with visual impairment. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, 26(2), 148-152. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The authors of this article have credibility because the article was in a peer review journal. The authors conducted a study on how assistive technology impacted the education or how the lack of technology hindered it. The article is heavily based on the opinions of the students’ teachers and how they feel the technology and its implementation should be structured. The article also touches upon the obstacles faced at different schools where students might not have access to computers or to other adaptive technology. This article will help my report because it shows the importance for students with disabilities to have access to adaptive technology in order for them not to fall behind. Without that access, students cannot learn to their fullest potential and cannot succeed professionally. It helps show how much visually impaired and blind students depend on suitable technology to do well in school, but that not all students have access to such resources.
Mancas-Thillou, C., Ferreira, S., Demeyer, J., Minetti, C., & Gosselin, B. (2007). A Multifunctional Reading Assistant for the Visually Impaired. EURASIP Journal on Image & Video Processing, 20071-11. Retrieved from EBSCOhost
This article was in a peer reviewed journal and provides validation for the authors. The article is about a project that set out to provide a reading assistant for visually impaired people that could function in many instances. It discusses how we are in a world driven by information. In order for visually impaired individuals to stay in the game, their needs to be a technology that will read out what is on screen and that can scan textual documents, such as bank statements mentioned by the authors, and read them allowed to the user. The goal of this project was to be able to do this with a singular device. It also mentioned problems with such a device where taking a picture of a bank statement might be difficult for someone who has a more sever vision deficiency. It tries to address these obstacles and to provide possible answers. This article will help my report because it shows the need for technology that can do multiple things and how it is important to eliminate the need to carry with multiple technologies that do not necessarily work in conjunction with one another. It shows that there are projects underway to better the lives of visually impaired individual and the importance of keeping oneself informed of new possibilities.
McDonnall, M. (2010). The Employment and Postsecondary Educational Status of Transition Age Youths with Visual Impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 104(5), 298-303. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The article was in a peer reviewed journal and provides validation for the author. The article was about a study that sought to document employment and post-high school education statuses of adolescents with visual impairments. It studied high school students with employment and whether or not their status as a student affected their hiring. It also included the percentage attending post-secondary schools. In the study, there is a similar percentage of adolescents with and without visual impairments attending college. It shows that those who do not attend a post-secondary school are likely to be unemployed and not likely to easily find employment. The study helps show that, given the right tools and adaptive technology, students with visual impairments can still keep up with society and be competitive. The study also helps to show that, because of the complications arising from not being able to see well, students are not likely to find regular employment that those without visual impairments and without post-secondary education can do more efficiently. This is relevant to my report because it helps to show the struggles adolescent disabled students face in employment.
U.S. Department of Justice. (2011). ADA home page. Americans With Disabilities Act. Retrieved from
This is a government website maintained by the Department of Justice and is valid. The website provides the most up to date information on the Americans with Disabilities Act. There is information on the rights of Americans with disabilities as well as information on proposed regulations. This applies to my report because it has a section dedicated to the rights of visually impaired and blind persons. The website will help my report by showing what is currently legally being done and how the country is making sure that it is helping disabled individuals. It will also help show what still needs to be done. It will also help provide a place for the audience of my report to visit in order to remained informed about current issues and new laws that will benefit them.
Gale, E., Trief, E., & Lengel, J. (2010). The Use of Video Analysis in a Personnel Preparation Program for Teachers of Students Who Are Visually Impaired. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 104(11), 700-704. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
The authors of this article have validation because it was published in a peer review journal. The article talks about a program at a certain college where teachers analyze video recording of teachers interactions with visually impaired students. It is designed to help them learn how they can better help their students. It also shows the teachers what they are doing wrong and what they might do to correct it. This article will assist my report in showing how teachers need to be more involved with their visually impaired students and how they can enrich the lives of these students by giving more effort into understanding them and what they need. It shows how more programs such as this are needed across other schools in the country and provides an example of dedication on the part of the school.